Smart Contracts

Smart Contracts are self-executing computer programs that run on blockchain technology and automatically enforce the terms of a contract. They provide a secure, transparent, and decentralized way to automate the execution of contractual obligations, without the need for intermediaries such as lawyers or banks.

2 Enrolled 5.0 (1) Intermediate


Smart Contracts are self-executing computer programs that run on blockchain technology and automatically enforce the terms of a contract. They provide a secure, transparent, and decentralized way to automate the execution of contractual obligations, without the need for intermediaries such as lawyers or banks.

Smart Contracts contain a set of rules and conditions encoded as computer code, which are automatically executed when certain pre-defined conditions are met. For example, a smart contract for the sale of a property could automatically transfer ownership to the buyer when the agreed purchase price is received in the form of cryptocurrency.

One of the key benefits of smart contracts is that they eliminate the need for intermediaries, which can be time-consuming, expensive, and prone to errors. They also provide a high level of transparency and security, as the terms of the contract and the execution of its terms are recorded on a public ledger that is tamper-proof and verifiable.

Smart Contracts can be used in a variety of applications, including financial transactions, supply chain management, and voting systems. They are particularly useful for automating complex and multi-party transactions, where trust and transparency are important.

However, smart contracts are still a relatively new technology, and their use is not yet widespread. There are also technical, legal, and regulatory challenges that need to be overcome before they can be adopted on a large scale. Nevertheless, smart contracts are seen as an important development in the evolution of blockchain technology, and have the potential to transform the way transactions are conducted in the future.


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Simran Dubey

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